Andrw Houston is a performance and visual artist currently based in Glasgow. Their practice explores the activation of co-existent virtual and material (physical) forms. Enacted through durational performance, film, and 3D animation they aim to find the space in between what is “real” and what is not.
Their fascinations are driven by the omnipresence of the internet, and the tools it contains for us to re-fashion our reality and discover new forms of “non-human” connection. As both a site of interest and a plat- form for experimentation their work has engaged with a variety of online platforms, most recently being live streamed performance for the live art group PerformIstanbul and their explorations into loss and the digital realm for Digital Artist Residency.

P E R F O R M A N C E (selected)
2020 TINK, PerformIstanbul - Online - Live stream durational performance
2020 The Window, Virtual Variety Fest
2018 IA, The Lighthouse - Durational Performance/ Installation
2017 I SIT AND ... ,Glasgow Open House Festival - Online video Performance
2016 LOOK AT ME, Brink Festival - Durational Performance
2015 I FEEL_ , CultureShots Manchester Museum - Durational Performance
2014 MAKE ME ALIVE, Ca Zanardi, Venice - Performance & Video
2014 GYMNASIA, Glasgow International - Performance/Installation (Collaboration with OPERA AUTONOMA)
2013 The Salon Project, Barbican Centre (London) - Developed by Stuart Laing and Untitled Projects